segunda-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2010

Inglês - Pronomes Demonstrativos

Preencha os espaços com a opção correta: this, these, that ou those.

Do you see boys over there? They're my cousins from New York.

- Wow, your earrings are so pretty!
- Thanks! I usually don't wear jewelry, but
two are special!

- I love
- Which one?
- The gray one, next to the big truck.

- Do you remember
shirts we saw at Macy's yesterday?
- Yes.
- They're on sale today. Let's go there and buy a few.

- Jane, is
your bag?
- No, this one is Sara's.

food is delicious! And it looks beautiful too.
- I'm glad you like it.

- Sorry I'm late!
's ok.

I like
socks. They're so soft!

Complete as frases a seguir com there is ou there are.

a post-office near the house.

a few eggs in the fridge.

a good movie on TV later.

two universities in this city. There's also a small college.

so much meat in the fridge! Let's have some of that for dinner.

several kinds of toys to choose from.

no way I'm going to go out tonight.

three people from China in my class.

money on the kitchen table.

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