terça-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2010

Atividade avaliativa de Inglês

1) Substitua os nomes próprios por pronomes pessoais como o exemplo abaixo:

Teacher Martha doesn´t have kids.

She doesn´t have kids.

a) Katharina and Mariana are friends.

b) José Arthur has two brothers.

c) Wesley is single.

d) Ademir and Nicolas study on Jambo.

e) Jacob is a wolf.

f) Harry Potter and Hermione traveled to England.

g) Lion is a dangerous animal.

h) Martha and Duda work at Jambo.

i) Vitória´s hair is brown.

j) Danilo Jambo and Danilo José have the same name.

k) Bruna lives near to school.

l) Maria Luíza loves study English.

m) Joaquim is a good boy.

n) Adriano traveled to São Paulo.

o) Monkey likes banana.

p) Katharina is a student.

q) Jambo School is near to SESC.

r) Mayara, Nátaly and Aline are eleven years old.

s) Kaká plays soccer very well.

t) Diego Hypólito is a winner artistic gym.

u) Mary and Carla go to school together.

v) Julia and Mike are good friends.

w) Jane, Steve and I go to the movies every weekend.

x) My family and I live in Ohio.

y) Shakira is 33 years old.

z) My pants are blue jeans.

2) Na 1ª questão, você substituiu os nomes próprios com os pronomes pessoais. Agora, você vai transformar as frases acima em interrogativas como no exemplo que segue, mas lembre-se que há uma inversão importante para que essa “transformação” seja possível:

Teacher Martha doesn´t have kids.

Does teacher Martha have kids?

3) Escolha treze das vinte e seis sentenças da 1ª questão e traduza. É importante saber que dificilmente conheceremos o significado de todas as palavras, mas compreender o contexto é imprescindível.

4) Read the text and answer the questions:

David Beckham: some people are born to play football

After attending the Bobby Charlton Soccer School aged 11, impressing coaches with his natural ability (and becoming skills champion for his age group), David’s future was effectively secured when he signed for Manchester United as a trainee in 1991.

Nowadays, David Beckham is Los Angeles Galaxy on United States of America.

In: http://www.davidbeckham.com

a) What is the Beckham´s first team?

b) How the author defines David Beckham?

c) When David Beckham went to Manchester United?

d) David Beckham plays soccer yet. What is the name of his team?

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